Bewust worden van denkprocessen en taalgebruik
The 3House , personally recommended by John Grinder
, who developed Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( NLP) together With Richard Bandler.
When people experience a negative pressure, the stress hormones in their blood increase. So,they start to react differently to colleagues. Problems of communication, conflict handling, cooperation issues, etc. have their price. Managers and team leaders often feel pushed into the role of psychologist.
With NLP4Business we train your employees to look at life from a different angle. Understanding how their brains work provides new insights for their professional environment. They consciously deal more positively with others, even in their private situation.
NLP4Business teaches employees
• How our brains process experiences, values, beliefs, images, sound and feelings,
• That information goes through your nervous system and influences your behavior and reactions,
• That we use patterns in our language to express our thoughts,
• That trough different thinking processes people approach their jobs differently,
• To recognize language patterns in others and improve working relationships with the right response
• To find more challenge and motivation to do their job with pleasure,
• To get more satisfaction from their everyday tasks with creative solutions.
With an in-depth experience in NLP training, The3House is your partner for a healthy organization with a professional work ethic and a humane approach to employees, customers and suppliers.
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